Take Hat….

I cancelled my 11.0’clock appointment. Felt really queasy and coldy. Meditated. had a big mug of my Jewish Penicillin, then dressed.
One pair of 501 jeans – thick.
One pair of bikers boots and sox – thick.
One t-shirt.
One cardigan.
One sweater – thick.
One coat – not thick enough.
One purple shawl – thick.
One hat – too big but thick.
One pair of black suede gloves.
And I set off out in the arctic wastes of Sarf London.

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The End of November

Reality telly is killing me. I watched ‘Strictly Come Mincing’, ‘Z’ Factor, Jungle capers then re-logged the fire so I could stay up and watch ‘DESPICABLE ME.
My first Bafta film of the year. I loved it.
B, the old git and myself were in Brighton on Saturday Night eating , drinking and celebrating the middle daughters birthday.
The heater was ailing in the Jacmobile so I travelled with a huge knitted blanket over my knees.

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Bill knocked at 8.00, brought in his industrial strength drain cleaner and proceeded to battle the bulge in the kitchen u-bend.
Bill won.
My feet are cold. But I am going to wrap up warm and walk to Victoria.

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I’m Not a Celebrity…

I’m told that waking up at four is what creatives do.
I’m also told that waking up at four is what depressants do.
I’m also told that four is when Chinese medicine says there’s an energetic peak in the lungs…
Whatever it is If I keep waking up before the seagulls do I am going to stay up and write.

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Frank’s beans

The air feels like Christmas.
The lights in Oxford Street, FRANKS coffee shop off Carnaby Street, the Number 19 bus. Everything felt like it was poised for something new.
Mind you one cup of Frank’s coffee and I’m full of beans – no pun intended – and I go dulally tap…I could scale Mount Etna, or is it Eiger, WHATEVER!!!

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Lunatic activity….

It may have been jet-lag, or the fog. It may have been clearing the flat. Too many boxes of shoes. It may have been adjusting to the cold or dealing with my anger at the smugness of the coalition. It may have been no sleep too many glasses of bubbly, my own bed, not finding … Read more

Every Cloud has a silver lining -are you sure?

Ok, so we decided to drive to Nosara yesterday. The rain had been plummetting down – we didn’t know there had been a landslide in San Jose and 20 people had died -,so we set off when the last drop of rain had fallen…so we thought….
It was 10.30 our time, cocoa time for you lot.
Down the track, right onto the tarmac road, left past the one roomed church and then right past the bulldozers and new apartments. The road soon petered out and we were thrown about like so many loose coconuts in a crate, so the driver made an executive decision to turn back. Back over the ravine, onto the main highway to Nicoya and a new start as we headed towards Nosara beach and a fancy lunch in a hotel.,.so we thought

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Raindrops keep falling on my bed

When the thunder clapped and the sheet lighting struck I swear we all held our heads.
When the rain came onto the upstairs balcony and the wind threw the water bottle about I swear I thought Hurricane Catastrophe had hit.
At 3.30a.m.I was begging the elementals for sleep. I bargained my life, my art and my woolly brown socks which I have nicked off the daughter.
When the rain reached the mattress him and me started shouting at each other. He wanted to close the shutters but I didn’t want to be locked in a dark, damp, box…
We were going to another beach today but the grey clouds are SO full of rain that I fear we may get blown out to Japan.

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